More Website Templates @ - November 14, 2011!

How we work - Case 1

A customer lays out a problem: How to get into the retail market with a city council quite protectionist over its local business.

Our solution:

We detected a lack of sporting facilities in the city.
We detected that the consumers were reluctant about the entering of big groups in the retail market.
We proposed to the City Council the construction of a sporting facility financed by our client and in exchange for it the Council offered its support to the entering of the clients in the retail market of the city.
We achieved the neighbours to receive our customer not as someone who set a new shop but someone who was going to make easier for them special terms to enter in the sporting facilities.

It is a join success:

For the Council because can offer to its neighbours very special conditions to access to sports.
For our customer that entered in the city being valued as someone who puts value to it and that is not looking for business only. This improves its company’s reputation taking advantage of it as a lever of value for the new business.